Wills & Trusts


Clarie Law Offices, P.A. is proud of its professional and personal service in assisting clients in the preparation of Wills. In addition to the actual drafting of these documents, we work with our clients together with their accountants and financial advisors in considering both Federal Estate and Income Taxation as part of each estate plan.
Our experienced probate and estate planning attorneys will guide you through the entire estate planning process in a clear and concise manner. You will have the information you need to make a fully informed decision as to what’s best for you and your loved ones. Contact our law office and let us know how we can assist you today.


Clarie Law Offices offers its clients legal counsel on the various Trust documents that are available. We can provide recommendations on the type of Trust that will best help achieve each client’s specific goals.
Our attorneys can assist in the selection of trustees and with the funding of your Trust. We are available to work with your personal financial advisors so as to create your Trust with appropriate tax planning consequences in mind.

In administrating Estate, Trust, Power of Attorney and Guardianship accounts, we offer innovative services when representing clients who have been appointed to serve in those matters. For these accounts we offer a computerized management system which utilizes the accounting and investment services of a local Trust Company. In this way Clarie Law Offices is able to provide a convenient, cost effective opportunity for our clients to direct the administration of an Estate, Trust, Power of Attorney or Guardianship that they have been appointed to manage.

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