Clarie Law Offices, P.A. is heavily monitoring the developments of the Coronavirus (CORVID 19) in our State, County, and local community. Our office is open and provides services to clients. Our judicial circuits are open and also monitoring the status of the situation.
Our staff is following the recommendations of the CDC including but not limited to our office wiping down surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes frequently and encouraging any staff or clients who may not feel well to reschedule appointments or work from home.
In the event our office is closed as part of a State, County or City-wide public safety measure as ordered by authorities, our attorneys shall be working remotely from their homes and able to process legal needs and questions clients may hold. Lines of Communication to our attorneys and staff will remain open via email, other remote technology, and telephone.
Our office continues to monitor the information provided by our State, County, and local governments and by our Judicial Circuits. We will continue to update our firm website, email communications, and telephone voice mail system as the COVID 19 situation develops. We wish you and your family health and peace.