Dear Clients:
Our office is open and we wanted to reach out to you about the COViD19 virus and provide an update on our judicial circuit and our office operations. Our office is open and following the recommendations of the CDC for prevention including sanitizing the office frequently and scheduling clients by telephone for conferences or if you elect to visit with us in person scheduling clients to avoid a crowded waiting area. Our goal remains to provide legal services to you in a safe environment and be available to address your legal needs and questions.
Our court system remains open and provides judicial services to our community but our circuit courts have suspended effective March 13, 2020, a most fact to face judicial proceedings for two weeks throughout the entire state. Instead of requiring in-person appearances, the courts are utilizing telephonic and other electronic means to avoid having individuals appear in person. For any case with our office, the attorney handling your case in which a personal appearance was required will coordinate with you on the best means for you to appear either by telephone or other electronic means.
We recognize for many of you that the need for estate planning remains, particularly so at this time and our office continues to monitor the COViD 19 situation and information as provided by our local, county, and state authorities. Updates to the response of Clarie Law Offices, P.A. will continue to be posted on our website and if you need to reach an attorney at our office after hours, Attorney Peggy Senentz may be reached by cell phone at 727-470-4837.
We greatly value you as a client and remain committed to providing legal services to you with precautions undertaken by our staff to support your health when here at our office. Be well and peace be with you.
/S/ Peggy Clarie Senentz